
Real Pictures for Real Families

A whole new photography experience that honors Real Life and celebrates how hard you love


You did it! you found the best boston family photographer

Congratulations! There are a crapload of us, and it can be hard to choose, but, good for you, you’ve landed somewhere soft and happy where you’ll get outrageously wonderful pictures and have fun doing it.


How are you going to get these bold, beautiful, life-affirming pictures???

Real Days


Real days are also perfect for newborns

Lets make pictures of that miraculous magic that comes from a brand new person


Real Days for newborns?

Yes! I want to photography you in your first few days with your new baby. I don't just want to photograph their scrunchy face and their tiny toes, I want to photograph you, feeling all the feelings. I want photographer your partner becoming a parent too. I want to photograph that magic that happens when there is a new baby in the house and everyone present is basking in the miracle.


Why Are real days the best way to make epic family pictures in Boston?


1. We celebrate your Real Life for exactly what it is, which means sending your kids a powerful message: we love you exactly as you are, you never have to be prettier, funnier, smarter, we love you for you and we celebrate that too


2. You’re going to get that same message as a parent. If you’re anything like me you spend a lot of time thinking about how you can do better (stop yelling, have more time, get off your phone) You’re too busy to notice the amazing job you’re already doing, but I’m not. I can see all those awesome little things you do to support your family that you don't even notice. I’m going to make pictures of those tiny moments and show them to you in a way that will change your idea of your parenting awesomeness.


3. You’re going to have fun. I know, it sounds like a little too much to have a photographer with you all day, in your house, in your routine, in your business. That’s why I always say that it feels like having a good friend from out of town visit for the day, a good friend who happened to bring her camera. I do everything you do, I play with your kids, I sit down to meals with you, I make jokes, we chat about our lives. Most parents tell me its going to be a let down the day after not to have a third adult around for the day and most kids ask me if I can stay longer.


4. You’re going to have an heirloom book of pictures. A true treasure that shows the ins and outs of your life. Something that you’ll look back on, that your kids will look back on, something so much more meaningful than any of us can really imagine in this time, in this moment.


I’m a mom and a photographer exploring family life and relationships through my art

Picture of Me by Mikaela Martin